I dont agree with Everything Esker says
(not saying He isnt Always right tho)
If I did Why wud I come here???
But I will Admit Lonnie & Most Posters here
have shared something about Country music
with me over the yrs--2 all a BIG THKS
Re: The King - and Junior Brown
( I helped JR Brown get his Song
Adopted by the Tennessee Highway Patrol)
but thats a long funny story
(concerns a CB radio CD player & 400 cubic
inch Engine)
Group: rec.music.country.western Date: Tue, Jun 23, 2009, 8:13am (EDT-3)
From: ***@aol.com (Will Lee Nelson)
On Jun 23, 6:38ï¿œam, ***@webtv.net (Alice Lacour) wrote:
If you cannyt say something good, then say nothing at all,
The world would be a pretty boring place if nobody disagreed with
That's why forums like this are so valuable. Barbara just used
reviewers, in an attempt to support Junior Brown, but as we've discussed
millions of times, trying to find a reviewer who does anything BUT fawn
all over the artist they're reviewing, is like tryting to find a needle
in a haystack. Personally, I believe this does artists a GREAT
disservice, because if everyone is wonderful, great, a LEGEND, etc ...
and each and every thing they put out is GREAT , the best thing they've
ever done, they get better with age ... etc than how in the hell is
anyone going to be able to tell the difference?
You're just a rubber stamp because I believe you used to perform, and
according to you everyone is wonderful, their music is wonderful etc ...
That's a great way to live in real life, but this group is not about
real life, it's about MUSIC!!!!!!!!! Personally I'm looking for
different opinions.
a few disrupters ï¿œon all these lists need to heed that. I love
contry music and useed to enjoy ï¿œhearing opinions etc from other
real country music fans,Barbara ws one of them, she knew and loved
country music, but a few ignorant jerks (if the shoe fits wear it) have
destroyed these wonderful groups.<
And a few old windbags need to try to get over themselves, or as Roy
Acuff said "sweep around your own front door". You sound like the
hypocrite you are, when you complain about "disrupters" and then in the
very next sentence call someone an ignorant jerk. Besides, since you're
posting on these "wonderful groups", obviously nobody's destroyed them
have they, honey ? Obviously you're the conTROLL freak, who wants to
conTROLL the group, what can be posted, etc ... Again, get over
It s a shame cause a lot of us got real pleasure hearing from other
country music fans, and remembering te Legends who made our music
Some people get pleasure out of being whipped. What's your point? If you
want to HEAR from country music fans there's a new invention that's
available to most people today, it's called the TELEPHONE ! ; ) If you
mean by "hear" that you enjoy reading what other country music fans have
to say, there's another recent invention almost identical to Newsproups,
called E-MAIL!!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!!! Also, for the millionth time, if
you're the little woman who lives in a bubble that you appear to be,
there are all kind of filtering optiuons available to you when reading
newsgroups that allow you to customize and select who's posts you want
to read and who's posts you don't want to read. Again, bottom line you
appear to just be selfish and spoiled and want everything your way. Most
members of the human race, at least in this Country, outgrow that when
they leave home for the first time and go to school. If you haven't
learned that lesson in all your years, I don't think today will be the
day the light goes on , either! ; ) LOL !!!!!
What pleasure do you few jerks get out of demeaning,making fun of, and
in some cases even harrassin people?>
Because it works. Thankfully you and your narrow minded selfishness
seldom post to the NG.
What's so hard to understand ? ; )
(dont send me any personal emails!!!) ᅵ
Please. Again, don't flatter yourself. It's just an NG, and you're not
that important. I've been around
something like 20 years, and I haven't sent any yet. Besides, again like
the ng, your e-mail comes with filtering options and you don't have to
receive e-mails from anyone you don't want to .
If you dont like our music, our Legends etc then go post some where
Anything you say. You know me, I live to keep you happy !!!!!
I m sorry Barbara for the few very ignorant posters that have disrupted
all these groups
Lonnie Lynne LaCour<
Key word would be "FEW" . Most of them are probably just the voices in
your head ! : )
Patsi Pam Petunia